The Dyson Airblade Tap  has won the coveted Food Magazine – Food Award  in the category “Food Safety and Innovation in Non-Food”.  The award was presented at the 2013 Food Magazine Awards night held at Crystal Palace rooms at Luna Park in Sydney.

The 11 food industry specialist judges decided on the Airblade Tap over five other finalists  and were highly impressed by the level of innovation  and technical excellence associated with this product. The other finalists included waste materials handling equipment, waste water treatment systems, food packaging and thermometers.

The judges noted that the Dyson Airblade Tap “is a touch-free appliance  that combines hand washing and drying in one unit. Compact and sleek, the unit is the fastest, most cost and environmentally efficient way to wash and dry hands hygienically. It’s compact design also provides a space saving solution for facilities”.

HACCP Australia Pty Ltd has sponsored this award for three years and seeks to highlight the impact of the non-food sector on food safety.  Director at HACCP Australia, Martin Stone, presented the award after a short address suggesting that innovation was a major factor tied to the success of the food industry .

“We are delighted that Dyson was again on the winner’s platform with such an innovative product”, said Mr Stone.  “From the moment we saw this piece of equipment, we knew it had excellent applications in the food industry”, he added.


Read Food Magazine’s  review on this award and see the video here