Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
The online training and assessment modules take between 30mins (Basic Food Safety) and 8 hours (NSW FSS) to complete, although most people don’t complete them in one session. The program allows you to do a little or as much as you want. It remembers where you are up to each time you log back in. The workplace practical assessment is due after the online section is completed.
To ensure you receive an adequate level of support with your training and assessment, please consider the following questions.
- Do you consider yourself to have any disability, special needs, reading or writing difficulties that may have an impact on your ability to complete this online course?
- Do you believe you have the literacy skills to understand and complete workplace documents and diagrams that may relate to hygiene and food safety procedure?
- Do you believe that you have the numeracy skills to measure temperatures and timings and report these accurately?
- Do you believe that you have the literacy skills to understand wording in documentation such as in-house policies and procedures and other general plain English regulatory and advisory information issued by federal, state or territory and local food safety authorities?
Each online section of the training has a set of assessments relating to that module, these are either multiple choice or industry specific case study questions which assess your knowledge.
You will be assessed for your knowledge as you progress through the course and at the completion you will download a workplace assignment which is designed to test your skills.
This is a practical demonstration of skills in your workplace or simulated environment. For Level one this could be done over a single meal preparation and for level 2 this will be over a week.
To complete this you will need a third party observer who has a number of years experience in food preparation or who has a food safety qualification at the same level, or above, that being observed.
This person will observe you perform tasks and they will record comments in each of the boxes. They must put comments in every box and Yes/No/NA responses are not acceptable.
HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point. HACCP is a risk management methodology used by the food and related industries for the control of food safety hazards to acceptable risk levels.
6 months would be the average from start to finish depending on the complexity of the operation although many projects run over 1 year.
Yes, in certain cases our clients conduct some of the work themselves under our guidance thus making some savings on the total project cost. There is an additional time commitment required which may not suit all clients. HACCP Australia will advise you on the most cost and time effective means of achieving your objective.
The status of the legislation varies from state to state and different types of business. The best way to check the status and how it effects you is via the FSANZ website (see our links page) or speak with your local health authorities.
HACCP Australia does not sell off the shelf programmes and each project is specifically tailored to our clients needs. In order to provide a cost to you, we need to look at your operation and talk to you about your requirements. We are happy to do this on an obligation free basis.
Any product or service used within the food industry is endorsable provided our strict guidelines are met. Projects have been rejected from the process where failures to meet the guidelines have occurred. Some of the products that have been endorsed include; Pest Control Services, Human Resource Providers, Cleaning Aids and Utensils, Chemicals, Temporary and Finished Product Packaging, Display Systems and Storage Systems.
The answer is that Australias leading food businesses (retail, service and manufacturing) now demand that their suppliers have a HACCP-based food safety programme in place. Many also require non-food products and services to be compatible with their HACCP programme.
Yes. The HACCP principles have been adopted all over the world, particularly in the USA, Europe, The Far East and Australasia. Increasingly, HACCP is becoming an important feature in the import/export process. It is recognized by all countries as the best method of food risk management.