GS1 Australia has received certification from HACCP Australia for Recall – an electronic product recall notification management system designed to minimise the impact and cost of food and beverage products recalled and withdrawn from the supply chain.
The Recall service has been certified as ‘effective and suitable for businesses that operate a HACCP based Food Safety Programme’.

According to Richard Jones, GS1 Australia’s General Manager – Marketing and Quality Services, the certification of Recall is a major milestone for HACCP compliant food suppliers in the Australian Food and Grocery Industry.

“Recall is the first online recall portal to be approved and certified by HACCP. This means that in the event of a product recall or withdrawal, subscribers of the Recall service will have access to a convenient and effective means of complying with HACCP requirements for recall communications such as notifications, reporting and tracking of communications.”

Australia’s leading food businesses (retail, service and manufacturing) now demand that their suppliers have a HACCP-based food safety program in place.

A food safety program is an important tool for helping businesses who process or sell potentially hazardous foods to maintain safe food handling practices and protect public health.

Martin Stone, Technical Director of HACCP Australia said, “HACCP protocols are designed to ensure consumer safety by preventing as many food hazards as possible. A food safety program should be put in place to prevent any danger from those hazards. Food safety programs always include procedures for product recall.

“The recently certified service from GS1 Australia called Recall is an effective online solution that maximises the effectiveness of a product recall that can reduce the risk to consumer safety.”

The increasing demands for an effective product recall management system and food product safety for consumers, manufacturers, suppliers, major supermarkets and regulatory authorities is the main focus in today’s supply chain.

“By increasing the speed and accuracy of recall and withdrawal notifications, Recall significantly decreases business and consumer risk, reduces costs, protects brands and ultimately helps improve food safety in Australia”, added Mr Jones.

Issuing a recall or withdrawal notification with Recall is simple, fast and inexpensive. To find out how your company can best utilise the service and take full advantage of Recall, visit the website or contact GS1 Australia on 1300 BARCODE (1300 227 263) to speak to one of our experts.


 About GS1 Australia

GS1 Australia is the leading provider of standards and solutions for over 20 industry sectors. We introduced barcoding to Australia in 1979 and today we enable more than 17,000 member companies, of all sizes, to become more efficient by implementing the GS1 system.

We bring businesses, associations and industries together. This blended community comes to GS1 Australia for advice, networking and solutions to their supply chain challenges.  For more information visit