The New Food Standard 3.2.2A in regard to Food Safety Management Tools takes effect from December 2023.

Food service, caterers and related retail businesses in Australia need to meet new food safety requirements in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) from 8 December 2023.

Standard 3.2.2A is a new food safety standard for these types of businesses that aims to improve food safety and support consumer confidence.

Standard 3.2.2A of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code introduces 3 mandatory food safety management tools for food businesses, depending on their food handling activities:

  1. Food Safety Supervisor.

A food safety supervisor (FSS) must be a person who has recognised, formal certification as a FSS, obtained in the past 5 years.

  1. Food Handler training.

Food handler training must include safe handling of food, food contamination, cleaning and sanitising of food premises and equipment and personal hygiene.

Food businesses must ensure all food handlers have completed a food safety training course, or have appropriate skills and knowledge, before they start handling high-risk foods.

  1. Showing food is safe through measurement and recording of critical food safety controls

Businesses must keep records or demonstrate that requirements for safely receiving, storing, processing, displaying and transporting potentially hazardous food, and for cleaning and sanitising are being met. These are called ‘prescribed provisions’. The business must show how these have been achieved or verified.

The business must make a record, unless it can show in another way it is meeting requirements and be able to demonstrate this to an authorised officer (food regulator).

The Standard applies to food businesses that sell or serve food that is:

  • Not sold or served in its original package
  • Potentially hazardous (requires temperature control)
  • Ready-to-eat

The NSW Food Authority have put together easy-to-follow guidelines on Standard 3.2.2A Guideline for businesses

Food regulators in each state have information to help food businesses in their jurisdiction understand the requirements of this standard. See the web links below for your state

The HACCP Australia ‘CCP Food Safety’ (HACCP Lite) management programme meets the requirements of Standard 3.2.2A in terms of monitoring and records for key food safety criteria and food handler training. More on CCP Food Safety programme is available here;

Eliza Gray
Senior Project Manager
HACCP Australia

Martin Stone
Technical Director
HACCP International

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