Certification of Food Safe Equipment, Materials and Services

What We Do

How We Do It

What We Do

How We Do It

There are many non-food products, materials and services, brought into food processing and handling, that present risks to food safety – some even greater than the microbiological, physical and chemical risks inherent in the food itself!

The food and beverage industry is very aware of these risks. Nowadays, the world’s leading food safety schemes and quality assurance programmes have not only identified them but also demand a rigorous ‘due-diligence’ process to ensure that such risks are eliminated at the product selection stage..

Particularly important are products that might have incidental food contact or have a significant impact on food safety in their application – or misapplication.

HACCP Australia’s related body, HACCP International, operates a product certification scheme – Food safe Equipment, Materials and Services. Its independent, conformance certification is designed to meet that precise demand, giving assurance, to the buyer and seller alike, as to the ‘fitness for purpose’ of such products, materials or services.

Many of the country’s leading products carry HACCP International certification and the highly recognised certification mark. Such products vary from cleaning materials and chemical products to flooring, protective clothing, refrigeration systems and pest control services.

Our methodology is one whereby we simply, practically and scientifically assess the product(s) or product range(s) with regard to all facets of food safety; their compatibility with HACCP based food safety programmes and their contribution to food safety. The process includes examination of the design, manufacture, materials, instructions, delivery, storage, accuracy, labelling, food safety claims and any other relevant food safety matters.

Certificated products generally need to be:

  • Well designed with ‘food-safe’ characteristics
  • Non toxic (or appropriate levels of toxicity)
  • Easy to clean (or appropriate for use)
  • Likely to reduce the risk of any form of contamination
  • Designed for a low consequence of error in use.

Those products or services can be promoted as food safe and endorsed by HACCP Australia. Many organisations supplying appropriate and food safe products to the food industry proudly display the HACCP Australia Food Safety logo on their products, packaging and in promotional material. The logo is well known, highly recognised and understood by industry to be synonymous with an active and proven dedication to consumer food safety and ‘fitness for purpose’

Products or services licensed to carry the HACCP Australia food safety mark also benefit with access to a valuable marketing platform including mail-outs, advertising, marketing initiatives, editorial in its food safety bulletin and web-based support.

HACCP Australia’s certification and endorsement should be considered by suppliers that:

  • Are quality aware and responsive to customers’ needs
  • Want to capitalise on the ‘food-safe’ status of their product
  • Wish to drive the marketing of their product through certification by a recognised and practical body.

Download our product brochure for Certification of Food Safe Equipment, Materials and Services here:

We’re proud to be defined by the company we keep